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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/2007

(603) 798-4350


August 2, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Fred Ruoff, Richard Moore, David Kenneally, Richard Arell and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

The Board discussed the minutes of July 5, 2007, the following items were corrected:

Page 1, Public Hearing: Hillcrest Campground, second line change the word “and” to “an” between request and extension. Page 2, Design Review: French Hill, 4th paragraph, third line change the word “about” to “just under”, 5th paragraph end of second line change “provide” to “provided”, Page 3, Discussion: Tom Sanuth, second sentence change “approve” to “approved”.

There being no further changes a motion was made to accept the minutes of July 5, 2007 with the above changes.

                        McIntosh/Ruoff                          (Passed)

Board Discussion: Engineering services, can we ask our Town Engineer, CLD, if they would compile all the documents for large projects and give the Board one final review with suggestions on zoning, site review, subdivision regulations as well as state and federal requirements that may need to be met. The Board also would like CLD to come to meetings of larger projects and advise the Board if needed, there would be no discussion between the developer and CLD during the meeting, the developer will have their say and CLD will respond with comments and concerns if they are over and above the regular review. Secretary Deachman will contact CLD and see what their feelings are about this added process.

PUBLIC HEARING: Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Self Storage Facility
Continued from July 5, 2007     U-Haul Rentals, Office and House
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Developer still working with CLD. Requests to continue to September 6, 2007 meeting.

Letter to be sent regarding the waiting list for building permits and the proposed single family dwelling unit located at the rear of the property with this proposal.

        Brandon & Katrina Giuda
Continued from July 5, 2007     Subdivision – Elderly Housing
        With Golf Course
        Map 10, Lot 9, Pleasant Street &
        Healey Pasture Road

Abutters present: Frank & Sue Merrill, Gordon Jones, Bill Jones, Karl Merrill

Mr. Giuda presented the Board with a plan of the entire Giuda/Merrill development. Board members were also supplied separate plans for the Giuda proposal.  Mr. Giuda introduced his professional team of Attorney Richard Uchida, Surveyor Mark Sargent and announced that Engineer Steve Cummings would be arriving shortly.

Mr. Giuda gave a brief up date as to the town review and CLD review forwarded on to him today. Mr. Giuda states that all issues have been addressed and he feels that the process should move forward. Several questions were asked concerning the scope of the development and the open space.

This development will be strictly 55 and older condominium units with limited common area and not specifically subdivided lots. The open space will remain the property of Mr. & Mrs. Giuda. There were a few lots that the building area is quite limited and the developer will work on those lots to see if they can make them more acceptable. The Road Agent is concerned with the well radiuses being within the town right-of-way and town roads. Snowmobile trails will remain the same, four wheelers will not be allowed on the open space and hunting will remain as is with written permission from the land owner.

Mr. Giuda has not decided if the open space will remain in current use or not. The open space will be maintained by the land owner and the recreational amenities will be maintained by the condominium association. If the golf course is built the land owner will maintain it not the condominium association.

Any additions to the original dwelling units will be required to go to the building inspector of a building permit. Also Home Occupations with restrictions as stated in the association documents will need Planning Board approval like any other Home Occupation in town.

This development will have a maximum build rate of 10 dwelling units per year, they may be built as single family detached, or as duplexes, duplexes however count as 2 dwelling units and each will require a separate building permit allowing 5 duplexes to be built in a year.

The Fire Chief Gil Vien is concerned with the water availability for fire emergency, Chief Vien also stated concerns with Perry Brook Road being gated. The Chief will work with the developer on the water issues.

The developer will have traffic reviews to the town offices tomorrow.

Mr. Adams wanted to go on the record, stating that he believes that this development is considered spot zoning as defined by the state and has life safety issues, therefore the project should be stopped and further investigation on the subject should proceed so the town does not make a mistake and set a president. The Board Chairman thanked Mr. Adams for his comments.

Selectman Richard DeBold, ex-officio, brought to the Board discussion of the gating of Perry Brook Road, the Selectmen are not in favor of gating any road especially one that would go into such a large development.

There is the possibility that several years down the road that the association could dissolve and all the houses could turn into regular residential dwellings, but the Planning Board recommendation as well as approval of the Board of Selectmen and the Condominium Association.

There will be guidelines on allowable items on the property, for example Recreation Vehicles will not be allowed to be parked on the property for any length of time.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.


Discussion on whether or not the application should be accepted due to the fact that there is no access to this specific development.

Motion and second were both withdrawn at this time, the Board will continue this Design Review after the Merrill proposal.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Frank & Sue Merrill
        Subdivision – Elderly Housing
Continued from July 5, 2007     Map 10, Lot 2, Pleasant Street &
        Healey Pasture Road

Abutters present: Brandon & Katrina Giuda, Paul & Gwen Adams, Karl Merrill

Mr. Giuda presented the plans for this project and a review of the comments from CLD as well as the Planning Reviewer. The same issues are true for this project as with the Giuda project.

A major concern of the Board is there is no access to this development, Healy Pasture Road is a private road and there is no access at this time to Perry Brook Road. Mr. Giuda explained that he had a letter from Mr. Karl Merrill requesting that the town take over Healy Pasture Road. Richard DeBold, ex-officio, stated that the Selectmen have not seen the letter and have not acted on such a request. After review Mr. Giuda stated that he was mistaken but the letter was on the way. The Board would like to have the details for the attachment to Perry Brook Road for review.

Both developers agree to have a site walk of the property Mr. Giuda will work with the secretary.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        Brehm/Jameson           (Passed)

Motion was made to accept the application as complete for the Giuda property.

        DeBold/Jameson          (Passed)

Both developments will be placed on the September 6, 2007 Agenda for Public Hearing.

PUBLIC HEARING: 763 Second Street, LLC
        Site Review – Multi Use
        New Business -Used Car Dealership with
        Showroom, Repair shop and apartment
        Map 4, lot 159, Dover Road

Did not attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:     L & K Equipment
        Site Review – Parking Lot
        Map 3, Lot 29A, Dover Road

Mr. Wroblewski presented the Board with plans for the parking lot that exists. Mr. Wroblewski first came to the Planning Board in June 2005 to create a parking lot at the front of his property on Route 4.

Because of the wet areas and the amount of fill required to complete the project Mr. Wroblewski was sent to the Board of Adjustment for a variance, and State of New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Mr. Wroblewski was to return to the Board when he had all his approvals and variances.

Mr. Wroblewski now has all his approvals and the Board is requesting revised plans of the property with, New Hampshire Registered Land Surveyor Stamp, New Hampshire Wetlands Scientist Stamp, and approval numbers from NHDES for dredge and fill.

Design Review/Public Hearing will be scheduled for September 6, 2007

New Business

CIP – we have received all except for Recreation which Mr. DeBold had assured we will have by the weekend. The committee will consist of Richard Moore, Richard DeBold and Brad Towle, the secretary will copy documents and prepare for a working meeting.

Discussion:  Letter to Conservation as to Public Hearing in September, correspondence with CLD as to traffic study, road width, wetlands, also review access to Perry Brook Road, and impact to Hilliard and Swiggey Brook Roads. Ask CLD is they are willing to review all aspects of this project with all reviews and comments and give the Board one common breakdown.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/DeBold            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:20pm.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Bradley Towle